Startup naming is important. You need a name that's short, easy to pronounce, easy to spell, not easily misunderstood, and lends credibility.
And most of all, you need to it be available in all the right places.
Domain names are tricky to get right. Most all the good ones are taken. People often settle with unprofessional looking TLDs (.co, .biz) or ones that are just too techy (.io, .ai) for a broader audience.
Story: I’ve personally experienced the pain of an uncommon TLD. I helped launch a popular .io startup and I spent years having to very carefully pronounce the name (often multiple times) to each new person I spoke with about it.
Especially when talking to folks outside the tech world, there was always an unnecessary friction (e.g. “What does .io stand for?”). Eventually, we spent tons of money to end up getting the .com anyway.
Founders often spend countless hours of research, brainstorming, Google searches, domain lookups, etc. in order to pick a name. Great domains often cost 5 figures or more!
Introducing BoxedName. We give you a "name in a box", so you can get up and running immediately and focus on creating something valuable.
Our name requirements
Here are some of the characteristics we pay attention to when choosing a startup name:
- Ideally 8 characters or less
Easily said and heard correctly
- Few syllables (ideally 2)
- With distinctive sounds
- Avoids homophones
Easy to spell
- Dictionary words are usually best
- No dropping letters (“flickr”)
- No hyphens/punctuation or domain hacks (“”)
Common sense
- Avoid joining words together that create ambiguity (“experts exchange”)
Few results on Google and other search engines
- You want a brand name that you can easily dominate in SEO
Not too specific
- Companies pivot or create additional product offerings all the time, especially in the startup stage. Choose a name that can adapt as you do.
Available Domains
– The gold standard for domain names-
Additionally, you should get a set of defensive domains. We
think these are important:
– a one letter typo away from your .com -
– the other well-known TLDs -
– we like this one since it’s a secure (https required) TLD and is perfect to use for redirecting users to your mobile or desktop app download page.
Social media
- Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Ideally these would match your domain name exactly, however depending on your business, a close-enough match might be perfectly fine.
- Consider existing trademarks (
Available Name
We will offer one name package for sale at a time.
The name: Splitsaw.

Why we love it:
- 1 dictionary word
- 8 letters
- Distinctive sounds, strong name
- Great availability across domain TLDs, social media, etc.
- No existing trademarks found in a search (as of 1/5/2020)
- SEO would be easy to win (< 100k Google results)
What you get:
5 domains:
(Free/Bonus) Logo
- Included in SVG format, as an option to help you get started even faster
(Free/Bonus) 2 Social Media handles will be transferred to whomever buys the domain bundle:
- (Plenty of other social media handles are available – see
$2,500 USD$1,000 USD- Or make an offer by emailing
How to purchase:
- Buy the .com now through →
- Then email us and we'll transfer the remaining assets.
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